Hi dlang lovers,

I recently wanted to improve how I work with coverage data (locally).

For that I came up with a small program, that can be either called after a `dub test --coverage` or that can be automatically executed after the unittest with `postRunCommands "$DUB run lst2errormessages"` in `dub.sdl` and that converts the generated lst files to error messages compatible with dmd output.

That way you can integrate them into your favorite editor, if it already has some dmd error output support. I use it mainly in emacs compile-mode or flycheck-mode (the latter with another small addition), but its also possible to run this in vscode + d-code.

Is there any interest in a more detailed write up of this.

Anyways, the code is available at https://gitlab.com/gizmomogwai/lst2errormessages

Kind regards,

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