On Sunday, 9 October 2022 at 16:25:22 UTC, tsbockman wrote:
You might be templating more information than necessary. In your example `foo` doesn't need to be a template at all:
void foo(void function() @system fun) {
    pragma(msg, typeof(fun).stringof);

Yes, it was a toy example. It's complicated and I need crayons to explain it well, but the real code is a nested function in a main function in a template mixin, mixed into a class in a module dedicated to it. When invoked the main function introspects module-level functions annotated with particular UDAs and calls them -- or doesn't, depending on other factors. Several modules (grep says 23) then each have their own class types that mix in this mixin, and each module's module-level functions take that module's class as parameter. Like the hello world example does [here](https://github.com/zorael/kameloso/blob/a471a33/source/kameloso/plugins/hello.d#L17-L25).

So the `__FUNCTION__` string of one instance of the nested function could be (and note the `@safe`):

kameloso.plugins.notes.NotesPlugin.IRCPluginImpl!(Flag.no, "kameloso.plugins.notes").onEventImpl.process!(false, false, void function(NotesPlugin, ref const(IRCEvent)) @safe).process

Even if I somehow manage to change the nested `process` to not be a template I still need to instantiate the housing `IRCPluginImpl` mixin once per class (and module), so I'm not sure. I could just annotate everything `@system` too.

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