On Tuesday, 18 October 2022 at 18:59:37 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
Well its not a type system issue.

Making u = n, that'll returns true.

So the problem almost certainly lies with IEEE-754.
They are horrible to compare (float/double).

Unfortunately you are stuck calling functions like isClose to compare.


Hi Rikki, thanks for the rapid reply.

I'm not so sure it isn't a type issue, tbh. The only reason being that the opEquals() works whenever I call it directly (ignoring the comparison of proximity to a value for the moment)
but doesn't work when I use "=="

stripped down to just the two lines that are causing issues:

//assert(opEquals(u,n)); // this works fine
assert(u == n); // this fails. Why?

I guess to put it more bluntly, I should ask "why is opEquals working when I call it directly, but when I try to use the equality check, which should be CALLING opEquals, it doesn't appear to do so?"

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