On Thursday, 3 November 2022 at 10:26:04 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
On Thursday, 3 November 2022 at 10:00:27 UTC, Bruno Pagis wrote:
Good morning,
I have the following class:

class A {
  int[] array;


  void print() {
    writeln("array = ", this.array);

I would like to unit test the print function (yes, I know, not very useful on the above example since print is merely a duplicate of writeln...). Is there a way to use assert to test the output of the print function to stdout? Something like:
A myClass= new A;
myClass.array = [1,2];
assert(myClass.print() == "array = [1,2]"); // I know that print does not return anything so this is wrong, but you get the idea :-)

Just so we understand, do you want to verify that the output is indeed directed to stdout and not some other stream?

Just for documentation purposes, if you wished to redirect I believe you could do something like this (untested):

auto original = stdout; // save
stdout.open(newdest, "wt"); // redirect

// do stuff, check newdest

stdout = original; // restore

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