Don't you think it's interesting that it doesn't need unary operator overloading?

import std.stdio;

struct S
  int value;

  alias opCall this;
  this(int i) {
    value = i;

  alias opAssign = opCall;
  @property opCall(int x) {
    return value = x;

  @property opCall() inout {
    return value;

  @property opOpAssign(string op)(int x) {
    write(":"); // came here before
    mixin("return value"~op~"=x;");
  // no need: opUnary(string op)();

void main()

  S a = S(10),
    b = S(-1);

  writeln(a + b); // 9
  writeln(++a + b); // :10

  a += 10; // :

  assert(a == 21);

  writeln(-b); // 1

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