On Monday, 23 January 2023 at 00:36:36 UTC, thebluepandabear wrote:

I haven't been programming for a long time, but most of the other languages I used had such a namespace feature. Kotlin has something called an `object` which is essentially a namespace and it is great. The benefits of adding a namespace-like feature outweigh its costs, imo.

If you really want to, you can mostly force a namespace use like this:

// mylib/package.d
module mylib;
public static import mylib.impl.funcs;

// mylib/impl/funcs.d
module mylib.impl.funcs;

void foo() { }

Now when users import mylib, the public static import means hey call mylib.foo. Just don't bother documenting the impl subpackage and only those who look at the source will even know it exists.

I went through this same process when I first came to D years ago. D's modules *are* namespaces, and I wanted a way to force them. Eventually, I got over it. There's no reason to force a namespace. Namespaces are intended to disambiguate conflicting symbols. So let the users use them that way. There's no need to force them to type out the namespace all the time. It's certainly not an OOP vs. procedural issue, as namespaces have nothing to do with OOP.

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