On Tuesday, 7 March 2023 at 22:11:49 UTC, rempas wrote:
For example, in the given code:

void my_function() {
  import std.stdio;

writeln("The name of the function is: ", <fn_name_macro_or_something>);

Is there something to put in the place of `<fn_name_macro_or_something>` to get the name of the function?

import std.stdio;
void main()
    writeln("file:        ", __FILE__);
    writeln("function is: ", __FUNCTION__);
    writeln("function is: ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );

$ dmd -run tester.d
file:        tester.d
function is: tester.main
function is: void tester.main()

You can even get the calling function name:

import std.stdio;
void main()

void log(string msg, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, string fn = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
    writeln(file,":",line,"|", fn,"|> ", msg);


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