On Monday, 27 March 2023 at 00:06:36 UTC, Inkrementator wrote:

PS: To really understand what is happening, you might want to try manually compiling a hello world program that depends on a library instead of using dub. Some pointers:
`dub build -v` will print out the compiler and linkflags used.

`pkg-config --libs --cflags lua` would generate compiler options for you. Use it like
`dmd $(pkg-config --libs --cflags lua) program.d`

If you decide to try this, I can walk you through it. But remember that it's not that important this is probably all a bit much.

Even if I wrote similar articles ([for example](https://forum.dlang.org/post/qnzmxceqesmcsmfmz...@forum.dlang.org), in my own language), it would not be enough!

Even writing is not enough...
What era are we living in? There is something called YouTube:

[How to set up D and GLFW/OpenGL project on MacOS, Linux and Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG6OG6uWyDw&feature=youtu.be) by Ki Rill

Likes **17**
Views **265**
Released on March **8, 2023**

I have to ask... How many of you have made such how-to videos?

This is a question I have to answer too! Use DUB, recommend, bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 😀


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