On Monday, 27 March 2023 at 22:22:26 UTC, Jeremy wrote:
Is there a way I can define a manifest constant from the compiler command-line, like the -Dmacro option for C compilers?

You can do this way:

dmd -version=FEATURE_A


import std.stdio;

void main()

        writeln("feature A enabled");



Unfortunatly there is not #ifndef, so in case you want to make sure FEATURE_A is not there you'll have to do:


import std.stdio;

void main()

        writeln("feature A not available");





import std.stdio;

    enum FEATURE_A_AVAILABLE = true;
    enum FEATURE_A_AVAILABLE = false;

void main()
    static if (!FEATURE_A_AVAILABLE)
        writeln("feature A not available");



For some reason they force us to be overly verbose

Or it's possible to do it, but i don't know much more than this about ``-version``

(if you use ldc compiler, it's ``-d-version=``)

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