On Saturday, 29 April 2023 at 11:26:20 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
On Saturday, 29 April 2023 at 10:56:46 UTC, Jan Allersma wrote:
auto clientResult = Socket.select(clientSet, null, null);

There's probably nothing in clientSet, so it is waiting for nothing.... you almost always want to have just one call to select in the program, not two, the whole point is to combine checks.

I wrote a thing you might want to read too:


How do we wait for an ‘or’ of multiple asynchronous events in this kind of code? In WinNT iirc there is a very nice o/s function that can wait on various kinds of asynch i/o, waiting on operations of different types if I’ve understood it correctly. The kind of thing I might want to do is wait on an or of IP packets arriving, send-completion of IP packets, timers completing, IPC messages coming in, key presses or event mouse events and the order in which these events arrive is of course not predictable. I might want a key press event to break out of something or to control an application. Everyone wants timer events for timeouts.

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