On Friday, 19 May 2023 at 12:40:29 UTC, Danny Arends wrote:
On Friday, 19 May 2023 at 11:07:01 UTC, anonymouse wrote:
What am I doing wrong here?


You're running the whole thing in a while(TRUE) loop,
recreating the curl object re-initiating the transfer and file pointer, etc.

The reason I used a while loop was to detect loss of internet connection and resume the process once the connection is re-established. What would have been a better approach?

furthermore, the curl.set(CurlOption.writedata, &fp); doesn't work as you expect..

The idea was to detect an incomplete download and continue from where it left off. I'm sometimes downloading files 15Gb or greater. Reaching 80% and having to restart the process is a nogo. As I understand it, `CurlOption.writedata` allows me to achieve that goal. Is there a better option to accomplish the same?

After fiddling a bit, this works:

curl.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { fp.rawWrite(data); return data.length;};

Thank you for your assistance thus far.


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