On Wednesday, 12 July 2023 at 05:27:27 UTC, mw wrote:
But what's wrong with my code? the strange compiler error?

Might be a bug/issue in the logger module.

`sharedLog` uses the `shared` attribute,
but the base class for everything ("abstract class Logger")
does not use the `shared` attribute anywhere.

- https://github.com/dlang/phobos/blob/master/std/logger/core.d#L516C22-L516C22

It works when you cast away the `shared` attribute from `sharedLog`,
so I think that's the problem.

import std.stdio;
import std.logger;

void main() {

    stdThreadLocalLog = new FileLogger(stderr);
    stdThreadLocalLog.trace("local msg");


    sharedLog = cast(shared)new FileLogger(stderr);

//sharedLog.trace("shared msg"); // ERROR (cast()sharedLog).trace("shared msg"); // WORKS, cast away 'shared'

//sharedLog.memLogFunctions!(LogLevel.trace).logImpl("shared msg"); // ERROR (cast()sharedLog).memLogFunctions!(LogLevel.trace).logImpl("shared msg"); // WORKS, cast away 'shared'

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