
A feature I use surprisingly often in Python is the else clause on loops. Is there something similar in D? Basically, the idea is that your loop is "looking for something" (or some condition), and that you'll break out of it if you find what you're looking for. If no break occurs, the else clause is executed.

It makes for quite clean code in many cases, IMO. The alternative can be a flag variable, I guess, or a goto-statement (to right after the "else" bit) instead of a break. Or put it in a function, and use a return instead of a break ... or use scope() somehow, perhaps.

I see that the feature has been requested a few years ago [1], so there might not be that much demand for this sort of thing. Is there perhaps a D idiom here already?

[1] http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2304

Magnus Lie Hetland

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