On Friday, 25 August 2023 at 21:00:08 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
The idea is to deliberately mark @system functions that need special scrutiny to use, regardless of their memory-safety. Function that would typically be named `assumeXXX`.

class MyEncodedThing
    Encoding encoding;

    /// Unsafe cast of encoding.
void assumeEncoding (Encoding encoding) /* here */ @system /* here */
        this.encoding = encoding;

char* assumeZeroTerminated(char[] str) @system
    return str.ptr;


That way, @safe code will still need to manually @trust them.

I think it's smart for `assumeZeroTerminated` because you cannot use assertions or contracts to verify that.

I'd like to think the same for `assumeEncoding` but actually I dont see where is the unsafe cast.

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