I want to change a method ```Draw``` on a custom object when the ```MouseIn``` event occurs. This is known as "Change State" of the object: ```Init``` -> ```Hovered```.

I want to change the state of an object by changing its class, like this:


this.__vptr = typeid(CLS).vtbl.ptr;


I have read the ABI and am confident in replacing ```__vptr``` as long as the classes contain the same fields and the same interfaces.

// O
//   to!state
// State_Init    : O
//   Draw
// State_Hovered : O
//   Draw
// o.to!State_Hovered
// o.to!State_Init

class O
  void to(CLS)()
    // if (same fields && same interfaces && same instance size)
    this.__vptr =

State_Init : O
  void Draw() { /* ... */ }

State_Hovered : O
  void Draw() { /* ... */ }

when MouseIn:


when MouseOut:

It works! But I want to ask how to make this 100% the best of the best?
What should I consider before changing ```__vptr``` ?

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