On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 17:14:41 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:

NK_CONTAINER_OF should probably be translated to:

`cast(T*)((cast(void*)ptr - __traits(getMember, T, member).offsetof))`

PS. I did not invent this. My original idea was far worse than this. - It was suggested on IRC by a much cleverer D programmer than myself - Herringway@IRC

Thanks! I translated it to this originally after looking at the links you've provided:
auto nk_container_of(P, T)(P ptr, T type, size_t member_offsetof)
return cast(T*)(cast(void*)(cast(char*)(1 ? (ptr) : ptr - member_offsetof)));

`cast(T*)((cast(void*)ptr - __traits(getMember, T, member).offsetof))`

Now, how should I wrap it like a macro? Template mixin? I'm not that familiar with D meta programming... I shall skim through the `D templates tutorial` for hints.

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