On 22/05/2011 13:09, Lutger Blijdestijn wrote:
joe wrote:

I currently do most of my web development in PHP, with some work in Ruby
with RoR. Right now I'm starting to think about building my own stack for
web dev (I already use my own MVC framework and libs in PHP), but I'd
really like to move to something faster and more powerful. Java or ASP.NET
are two obvious choices, but I'm currently researching other alternatives
(like D).

So first I was wondering if there has been any web development using D,
and if there are many (or any) libraries/frameworks/other resources
already available for this?

As mentioned Adam D. Ruppe has nice libs for web development, he managed to
make a living out of it too so he must be doing something right :)

There is one other web framework for D2 called serenity, I'm not sure how
far it is but you can check it out here:


Perhaps this is unnecessary to mention, but would you choose ASP.NET, I'd
recommend against webforms and look into ASP.NET mvc. If haven't used the
latter myself but I didn't like webforms too much and heard good things
about the mvc framework.

Good luck!

Thanks for mentioning it! :D I held off mentioning it due to its immaturity in comparison to Adam's stuff, I'm gradually working on it. The latest thing I've added is an ORM to remove about 100 lines of code for simple stuff (still a work in progress). As a result I'm probably going to be reworking the overall design (It started off being MVC, it's not going to be now).


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