On Mon, 23 May 2011 09:32:47 -0400, Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
it's akin to


invalid. Yes, it's valid syntax, but it's almost certainly not what the
user wanted.  It's special cased for failure, to aid the developer in
writing less buggy programs.  This would be a similar change, and I
actually thought it was already in the compiler.

It is in the compiler. It is actually not valid syntax anymore (disallowed by
grammar and caught by the parser).

When I said I thought it was already in the compiler, I meant the bizarro function type declaration, not the empty if statement.

And it is not similar to removing function type
alias. You can write if(x){} as a replacement if you need it.

There is currently no alternative for the alias.

But why do you need a function type vs. a function pointer type? Especially since the function pointer type is easily built from the function type, and you can't actually use the function type until you turn it into a function pointer.

I'll throw it back at you, do you see a good use case for it?  And no,
porting C code isn't a good use case.

There are no alias in C code.

I actually gave one:
Timon Gehr wrote:
alias int func();

int main(){
    static assert(is(typeof(main)==func);
    return 0;

static assert(is(typeof(&main) == int function());

More straightforward and descriptive.


writeln(typeid(int function(int))); //int()*


That needs to be fixed, the runtime's TypeInfo.toString methods are not always accurate (I think this warrants a bugzilla report).


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