the following code seem problematic to compile...

import std.algorithm;
private alias void delegate(int, int) SlotDelegate;

class A
   void DIT(int a, int b)

int main(string[] argv)
   A a;
   SlotDelegate x= &a.DIT;

   SlotDelegate[] _slotDg;

   return 0;
I have some strange error:
Error: incompatible types for ((pos) < (from)): 'uint' and 'void delegate(int, int)' C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d 5609

I try a method like that as well (but similar problem! :( )
void removeAt(T)(ref T[] array, int index)
   if(index < 0 || index >= array.length)
   const T[] empty = null;
   array.replaceInPlace(index, index + 1, empty);

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