On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

> On 2011-07-26 21:34, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>> On 7/26/11, Nick Sabalausky<a@a.a>  wrote:
>>> "Pelle"<pelle.mansson@gmail.**com <pelle.mans...@gmail.com>>  wrote in
>>> message
>>> news:op.vy74cwejzu79i9@pelle-**d2608-a1...
>>>> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:06:56 +0200, Dainius (GreatEmerald)
>>>> <past...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>  I updated the DMD and tried RDMD, but still no luck. Linker errors
>>>>> galore. You can see all of them here: http://pastebin.com/C6cRVGKt
>>>> You need to link the library as well, try adding -L-llua (I think) to
>>>> the
>>>> command.
>>> A better way to do it is just include this in your code:
>>> pragma(lib, "lua"); // Assuming the lib file is named "lua.lib"
>>> Benefits:
>>> - One less cmd-line param.
>>> - Should work the same on both windows and posix (the linker args are
>>> completely different between windows and posix).
>> Drawbacks:
>> - Not implemented in GDC yet.
> Still not implemented in GDC??

Cannot be implemented in GDC. The driver/compiler/assembler/linker structure
doesn't allow it.

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