On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 14:23:41 -0400, Roderick Gibson <knit...@gmail.com> wrote:

It's my first foray into the arcana of makefiles and command line compiling.

My makefile looks like this:

IMPORT = -IC:\Dlang\dmd2\src\ext\Derelict2\import
LIB_PATHS = -LC:\Dlang\dmd2\src\ext\Derelict2\lib
LIB_INCLUDES = DerelictSDL.lib DerelictGL.lib DerelictUtil.lib

        dmd src/main.d src/display.d src/renderdata.d src/vector2d.d\

I think I just don't know how to give the compiler what it wants. I can build it manually by simply including the full paths to each of those libraries, but I'd rather avoid having to do that unless necessary. Is there something I'm just missing?

Library options start with -L. dmd passes everything after the -L to the linker.

What you need to do (I am making a vague guess that you are on windows :) is look up OPTLINK's command line options, then use those options after -L.

As one who does not do much on Windows, I can tell you that it's very odd when doing dmd commands on Linux, for example:

dmd myfile.d -L-Lpath/to/libs -L-lmylib

Note the extra -L prefixes are needed, the same is for Windows.


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