On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 13:31:13 -0400, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:

Due to process separation, the following won't work:


import std.process;
void main()
    assert(environment["SOME_VAR"] == "foobar");

This, of course, is because the script is run in a totally separate process
(AIUI). The same thing happens in Windows, too.

Is there some way to actually get the env that results from the script? I'm
looking for solutions for both Posix and Windows.

No. The way it works when you "source" a script from another script is it uses the same process to interpret the script file, which sets the environment up.

Since a D program cannot interpret shell script, all you can do is read the environment from the script (have it output the environment) and read it in:

# note this is needed for SOME_VAR to get into the environment

export SOME_VAR

# write all environment variables to the output

import std.process:
void main()
processEnv(system("./script.sh")); // need to write the processEnv function which processes the output from env.

I don't know what your real test case looks like, so I can't really comment on the approach. If it's simply loading file-defined environment variables, there are better ways (as I'm sure you're aware).


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