On Sat, 22 Oct 2011 23:01:17 -0400, bearophile <bearophileh...@lycos.com> wrote:

Thanks for all the answers.

Steven Schveighoffer:

a ~ b should technically be assignable to char[], since it's alread new
memory.  We may yet get there with pure functions being able to implicit
cast to immutable.

Isn't that kind of the opposite?

No, if a ~ b would call a pure function that returns mutable when possible, then you could use it for mutable, immutable, or const.

Is this already in Bugzilla?

Somewhat, although I like using the pure function avenue to ensure immutable does not violate const than the crazy rules we came up with here:

Note this was in the infancy of my D knowledge ;)

Some versions I have written, there is no very good solution, it seems:

import std.algorithm, std.exception;

void main() {
    string a = "red";
    string b = "green";
    int[string] aa;

    // Works in D1.
    // aa[(a ~ b).sort] = 1;

    // Works in D2, but will stop working.
    aa[(a.dup ~ b.dup).sort.idup] = 1;

    // Works in D2, but will stop working.
    char[] ab = (a.dup ~ b.dup).sort;
    aa[assumeUnique(ab)] = 2;

    // If keys don't actually need to be strings
    // the code gets a bit simpler.
    int[immutable(ubyte[])] aa2;

    // not good
    // aa2[assumeUnique(sort(cast(ubyte[])(a ~ b)))] = 3;

    // not good?
    // aa2[assumeUnique(sort(cast(ubyte[])(a ~ b)).release())] = 3;

    // just 1 copy, two visible casts, 3 lines
    auto ab4 = cast(ubyte[])(a ~ b);
    aa2[cast(immutable(ubyte[]))ab4] = 3;

    // a visible cast and an hidden cast
    ubyte[] ab2 = cast(ubyte[])(a ~ b);
    aa2[assumeUnique(ab2)] = 3;

    // 2 lines, more complex looking
    auto ab3 = sort(cast(ubyte[])(a ~ b)).release();
    aa2[assumeUnique(ab3)] = 3;

I honestly am not sure your specific problem is solvable without a lot of special cases. It may be you have to write a sub-function that hides the mess.


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