On 20/12/2011 18:12, bearophile wrote:
Because in that code I have used three times a type (TF), auto allows to remove 
one of them. The alias is not the best solution (a better solution is to put 
that code
into a templated function), but repeating the same generic type more than one 
time is
usually a source of bugs.

I don't quite understand - why not just use float as it is? OK, so abbreviating it to TF saves 9 characters on that line, but the alias declaration and its trailing line break take up 16 characters, so you're not saving space at all.

Moreover, the style guide discourages meaningless type aliases. (OK, so there are things I disagree with there, like using spaces not tabs for indentation, but that's another matter.)

- std.gc.malloc returns the array with correct length according to my quick 
test, so the
use of [0..x] is redundant

Really? Well, as I have said I have not tested that code.
Generally GC functions return a void*, so to create an array I think you need 
to slice

If that were the case, the OP's code wouldn't have compiled. I made out that the OP was getting these errors at runtime, not compiletime.

What is the code of your quick test?

import std.stdio, std.gc;

void main() {
    size_t x = 42;

    float[] f = cast(float[]) std.gc.malloc(x*4);

    alias float TF;
    f = (cast(TF*)std.gc.malloc(x * TF.sizeof))[0 .. x];


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