On 1/2/2012 6:10 AM, Joel Christensen wrote:
Thanks very much Mike. I guess I've got a bit of a wrapper over a binding.

I'll look more into Derelict for Mac OSX.

If it's DerelictAllegro you're using, then you need to know this. Derelict loads libraries manually (via dlopen on Posix systems). This means you have to do this in your code for each binding you want to use:


This will use preconfigured paths to load the libraries. Currently, DerelictAllegro is only configured to load on Windows. I need to figure out how it is typically installed on OSX so I can pass the correct paths to the loader. It should just be a matter of a quick Google, but it might be a few hours yet before I can get to it.

In the meantime, the load method accepts a string parameter if you want to load a specific library. So you can do this for now:


... where path is the framework/dylib/so, whatever the case may be. Aside from that, the rest should just work.

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