On 07/01/2012 02:28, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sat, Jan 07, 2012 at 02:15:39AM +0000, Robert Clipsham wrote:
On 07/01/2012 00:31, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I admit I've no idea how the D compiler implements compile-time
evaluation, but is it possible for the compiler to actually emit code
for compile-time functions containing asm blocks and, say, execute it
in a sandbox, and read the values out from the machine registers? Or
does this create more problems than it solves?

Doing this would mean you can't do cross-compilation, eg using x86 to
compile for ARM. Which means you'd need to use a virtual machine for
it, which is almost certainly more effort than it's worth.

But doesn't the use of asm{} already prevent cross-compilation in the
first place? Or does the D compiler actually translate the instructions
into the target platform? In which case, doesn't it already know enough
to be able to interpret it?

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious.


version(X86) asm
  // X86 ASM
else version(ARM) asm
  // ARM ASM
// etc


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