On 10.01.2012 15:53, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-01-10 14:48, simendsjo wrote:
On 10.01.2012 14:43, Mike Parker wrote:
On 1/10/2012 10:05 PM, simendsjo wrote:
If I want to have a method taking a callback function, I have to
if it should take a function or delegate even if I don't really care.
What's the best way to accept either? I cannot see any wrapper for
something like this in std.typecons.

The simple way:

void callback(int i, void delegate(int) dg)

void callback(int i, void function(int) fn)
void wrap(int j)
callback(i, &wrap);

Yeah, but a bit tedious.. I found toDelegate:

Or make it a template parameter and check if it's callable using

Like this?
void callback(F)(int i, F fn) if(isCallable!F) {

.. but then the parameters wouldn't be documented.

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