On 01/18/2012 02:32 PM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:

On 18/01/12 04:36, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Wednesday, January 18, 2012 02:33:25 Jerome BENOIT wrote:
And I cannot figure why :-(


As a workaround, templatize the last function by changing its
signature to

int[] find()(int[] longer, int[] shorter)

actually it does not work either: gdmd gives an other error message now.

T[] find(T, E)(T[] haystack, E needle)
if (is(typeof(haystack[0] != needle) == bool)) {
while (haystack.length > 0 && haystack[0] != needle) {
haystack = haystack[1 .. $];
return haystack;

TL[] find(TL, TS)(TL[] longer, TS[] shorter)
if (is(typeof(longer[0 .. 1] == shorter) : bool)) {
while (longer.length >= shorter.length) {
if (longer[0 .. shorter.length] == shorter) break;
longer=longer[1 .. $];
return longer;

int[] find()(int[] longer, int[] shorter) {
while (longer.length >= shorter.length) {
if (longer[0 .. shorter.length] == shorter) break;
longer=longer[1 .. $];
return longer;

unittest {
// Test the introduced overloads
long[] a1 = [ 6, 1, 2, 3 ];
long[] a2 = [ 1 , 2 ];
int[] b1 = [ 6, 1, 2, 3 ];
int[] b2 = [ 1 , 2 ];
assert(find(a1, a2) == a1[1 .. $]);
assert(find(a1, b2) == a1[1 .. $]);
assert(find(b1, b2) == b1[1 .. $]);

void main() {}

The message is now:
searching_05.d:34: Error: template searching_05.find(T,E) if
(is(typeof(haystack[0] != needle) == bool)) find(T,E) if
(is(typeof(haystack[0] != needle) == bool)) matches more than one
template declaration, searching_05.d(9):find(TL,TS) if
(is(typeof(longer[0..1] == shorter) : bool)) and searching_05.d(18):find()

Is partial ordering really supported ?

Yes it is, and your code snippet indeed compiles on my machine. Are you maybe using an outdated version of the compiler?

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