On 01/19/2012 05:41 PM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
Hello List:

On my box, the following D source, inspired by the subsection 5.6.1 of
does not work as expected:

// adhoc_06.d

import std.stdio;

unittest {
// Tersest, most convenient code
auto f = (int i) {};
assert(is(f == function));

void main() {}

I get:

void delegate()
core.exception.AssertError@adhoc_06.d(7): unittest failure

According to the book, the assertion is true and f is a function
but not a literal.

What is going wrong ?

Thanks in advance,

Many things, actually. You are looking at both an error in TDPL and a compiler bug. The compiler bug is already fixed in git head and will not exist in the next release. See http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3235

In the line:

auto f = (int i) {};

f is deduced as void delegate(int) pure nothrow @safe instead of as void function(int) pure nothrow @safe. This is the compiler bug that has been fixed.

In the line:

assert(is(f == function));

TDPL contains an error. Is expressions can be used to query some properties of types. If an involved type is not a well-formed type the result is false. Since f is a variable and not a type, the is expression yields false. is(T == function) tests whether or not T is a function type. Therefore, the line should actually read is(typeof(*f)==function), as f is a function pointer.

I am not very happy about this particular quirk of is expressions:

void delegate() dg; // declares a delegate
void function() fp; // declares a function _pointer_

assert( is(typeof(dg) == delegate));
assert(!is(typeof(fp) == function)); // the is expression tests whether it is a function, not whether it is a function pointer
assert(is(typeof(*fp) == function));

You may want to use std.traits.IsFunctionPointer and std.traits.IsDelegate instead.

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