On 01/26/2012 12:35 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:50:57PM +0100, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 01/25/2012 02:29 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
But since Walter doesn't like the idea of restricting the syntax to 'int
y() const', then what about making it mandatory to write:

        const(int) x;

instead of:

        const int x;


You essentially propose to remove the const/immutable/shared/inout
storage classes for variables. It would break almost every D program
and I don't see many benefits.
It is very simple. What may be confusing you is that
const/immutable/shared/inout are both type constructors and storage

Ah, I see. This is very helpful.

So what's the difference between a const int type, and an int variable
with const storage class?

I think this is the key issue. The syntax makes this distinction
non-obvious, IMHO, which is very confusing.

The syntax is clear on it: If it is followed by parentheses, it is a type constructor. Otherwise it is a storage class.

This ambiguity also shows up
in function definitions (allowing storage classes to appear left or
right of the function name/parameters), which we discussed earlier. From
what I can tell, Walter doesn't want to change this, but I have to say
that this is one part of D I find unnecessarily confusing.

For variables, the storage class just implies that the type will be wrapped in the respective type constructor. The storage class still 'talks' about the whole declaration though.
A key application is for type deduction:

immutable a = foo();

Foo may return something mutable, and a will automatically have it's type deduced to the respective immutable type.

Storage classes always apply to the whole declaration they refer to. It is _not_

const int            x;


const int          foo;


const            int x;


const      int foo(){}

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