On Monday, 6 February 2012 at 20:36:39 UTC, simendsjo wrote:
I get an segfault in druntime, but have no idea where to start looking.

I cannot seem to find a way to enable line numbers in traces (adding -g adds line numbers in win, but not linux), and I cannot find any debug build of libphobos2.a - is it included? what is it called?

PS: using dmd 2.057 on kubuntu x64 using the deb package from digitalmars.com

If you have a segmentation fault then you will need to compile with -g, turn on core dumps and use gdb.

$ ulimit -c unlimited
$ ./test
$ gdb ./test core

You will be provided with file and line number, well the file may just be a module name don't remember.

Also based on that mangled string it looks like you are running the Druntime unittests. I've never used the above to get at Unittest segfaults...

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