On 07/02/2012 22:37, Vidar Wahlberg wrote:
Take the following code:
int _foo;
@property auto foo() {
return _foo;
@property auto foo(int foo) {
return _foo = foo;
void main() {

This won't compile, and it sort of makes sense (at least to me), but is
it (or will it in the future be) possible to achieve this in some way?

I like to encapsulate class/struct members this way so I can easily add
validation of the value in the setter at a later time (granted, I can
add getter/setter properties when it turns out that I do need to
validate the values, but that's beside the point).

Try this:
int _foo;
@property ref foo() {
        return _foo;
@property ref foo(int foo) {
        return _foo = foo;
void main() {

Using 'ref' instead of auto returns a reference to _foo, allowing it to be modified.


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