stringof did it.

I'm still reading through the D programming book, so I guess I hadn't gotten there yet. I did a search in the book and found a reference.

I'll read more. Thanks :)

On Tuesday, 21 February 2012 at 19:48:18 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 21 February 2012 at 19:42:42 UTC, Robert Rouse wrote:
   mixin("alias _method " ~ toLower(typeid(T)) ~ ";" );

Try using T.stringof instead of typeid(T).

typeid does a runtime lookup. T.stringof does magic to
get a string representation of the thing at compile time.

Since, in the template, T here is a type, you get a string
of that type.

.stringof is a bit of magic that can work in a lot of places.
last time I checked though, it is pretty poorly documented,
so might take some guess and check to make it work for you.

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