I'm working on IPC's. I already figured out that the implementation depends on
the operation system. Is there any solution to support both - windows & posix
systems? I'm developing on a win-machine and don't want to re-write my app on
linux. As I saw on dlang.org, std.process of Phobos (prerelease) seems to
support creating pipes for both system types. So I downloaded the latest
version from https://github.com/kyllingstad/phobos/blob/new-std-process. When I
run win32.mak using "make -f win32.mak", I got the following error:

Error: don't know how to make '..\druntime\lib\druntime.lib

So, I first try to build druntime.lib using win32.make and I got:

masm386 -DM_I386=1 -D_WIN32 -Mx src\rt\minit.asm;
Can't run 'masm386', check PATH

I also downloaded masm386 and I just get the following error:

dmc -c  src\rt\minit.asm
masm386 -DM_I386=1 -D_WIN32 -Mx src\rt\minit.asm;
 Assembling: src\rt\minit.asm;
MASM : fatal error A1000: cannot open file : src\rt\minit.asm;

Does anyone know how to solve this error (minit.asm exists in src\rt\) or is
there any other solution (for e.g. based on the stable version of phobos)?

Thx in advance!

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