On Friday, 24 February 2012 at 08:47:14 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:
On Friday, 24 February 2012 at 07:59:50 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:
There is no documentation (both on dlang.org and in the local documentation) so I'm not sure if it's supposed to be working yet. I get linker errors when I try to use it:

   $ dmd netcurl.d
   OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.12
   Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010  All rights reserved.
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std3net4curl3FTP8__cpctorMxFKxS3std3net4curl3FTPZv
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std3net4curl3FTP11__fieldDtorMFZv
    Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std3net4curl3FTP7performMFZv
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std3net4curl13CurlException7__ClassZ
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std3net4curl13CurlException6__ctorMFAyaAyakC6object9ThrowableZC3std3net4curl13CurlException


Furthermore the documentation in the actual source says this should work:

   string content = get("http://dlang.org";);

But that results in a compiler error error:

netcurl.d(5): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (get("http://dlang.org",AutoProtocol())) of type char[] to string

get() signature from the source is:

T[] get(Conn = AutoProtocol, T = char)(const(char)[] url, Conn conn = Conn()) if ( isCurlConn!Conn && (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) )

An .idup fixes it, of course, but the documentation is wrong (or the signature is wrong).

Finally, was the curl library included? If not, where can it be found? It needs to be an OMF version, right? I don't see an OMF version on curl's website.

Brad Anderson

It would appear phobos's win32.mak wasn't updated to include the curl wrapper.

I can try to figure out how the makefile works and send a pull request if nobody who knows what's going on has time.

Brad Anderson


Brad Anderson

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