On Monday, February 27, 2012 17:44:40 Pedro Lacerda wrote:
> The expression "[] is null" evaluates to true here using 2.058, but I
> expected to be false. What am I missing?

Arrays treat null kind of funny. For equality, null is considered to be the 
same as an array with length 0. So,

int[] a;
assert(a.length == 0);
assert(a == null);

If you want to specifically check that an array's ptr property is null, then 
you can use is:

int[] a;
assert(a is null);

Where the difference tends to come in is if an array was allocated and then 
shrunk down to length 0:

int a[];
assert(a.length == 0);
assert(a == null);
assert(a is null);
a.length = 5;
a.length = 0;
assert(a.length == 0);
assert(a == null);
assert(a !is null);

But because null and empty aren't really treated differently for the most part, 
it's generally unwise to care about null and empty being different for arrays. 
A possible exception is a function which specifically returns a null array 
under some set of circumstances (IIRC some functions in std.path do this). But 
the wisdom of even that is debatable.

As for null vs [], I'm not aware of the spec really specifying whether "[] is 
null" or not. "[] == null" is definitely guaranteed, but I think that it may 
have even changed before whether "[] is null" is true or not. But it may be 
defined in the spec, I don't know. Certainly, I don't find it surprising that 
"[] is null", simply because it's more efficient (since then no memory has to 
allocated to the array's ptr property), and the differences between null and 
empty are largely ignored for arrays anyway.

- Jonathan M Davis

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