On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 14:50:43 UTC, sclytrack wrote:

struct AB
        int a;
        int b;
        int [] numbers;

int main()
        int a = 300;
        const int [] numbers = new int[2];
        const AB c = {a,20, numbers};           // line 66
        return 0;


src/main.d(66): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (numbers) of type const(int[]) to int[]


const AB c;

        typeof(c.a)     is  const(int);
        typeof(c.numbers) is const(int []);

Shouldn't the code above accept the const(int [])   ?

Should do. It is a compiler bug.

I've filed this issue in bugzilla:

And posted a pull request to fix compiler code:


Kenji Hara

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