Yeah I bought the book recently and ran into an issue very quickly into it. But this error I keep getting keeps bugging me. Could really use an explanation on why its not compiling. Here is the code.

  Compute heights in centimeters for a range of heights
  expressed in feet and inches
import std.stdio;

void main() {
  // values unlikely to change soon
  immutable inchPerFoot = 12;
  immutable cmPerInch = 2.54;

  // loop'n write
  foreach (feet; 5 .. 7) {
    foreach (inches; 0 .. inchPerFoot) {
      writeln(feet, "'", inches, "''\t",
        (feet * inchPerFoot + inches) * cmPerInch);

Here is the error I keep getting every time I try to compile:

(13): found '..' when expecting ')'
(13): found ')' when expecting ';' following statement
(14): found '..' when expecting ')'
(14): found ')' when expecting ';' following statement

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