Am 22.06.2012 16:55, schrieb Namespace:
If you have a null object you get an Access Violation without _any_
further information. That totally sucks.

I don't know what you're doing or which debugger you use, gdb shows me exactly what happened (line + stack + object).

And in my opinion a small "Ref!Type" is more informative for others who
use your code and you do not have to write assert(obj !is null); any
time in any method again.

I hope nobody will share code with Ref!Type, if they do people will relay on it and hey, all will do it, I don't need to check here, would be something different if it was not implemented by any library.

And yes my program start's first with a debugger but, as i said, you
will only get "Access Violation" and must debug by yourself to find the
null object, if you avoid assert's.

I have to debug nothing, as written above gdb sets automatically a breakpoint on a segmentation fault and shows me all the information I need.

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