On 08/17/2012 01:13 AM, maarten van damme wrote:
great, going to play around with it tomorrow.
Caching the possibilities is going to look really ugly but you're
right, it's going to give quiet a boost in performance.

I'm also going to format your source code a bit more and see if I can
follow it's logic as it seems to be way more efficient. (although
compilation is failing here, I'm running dmd 2.059 and it gives "can't
stride on chunks!(short))

Works for me both with DMD 2.060 and GDC with the 2.059 front end.

would using short or bytes increase performance compared to integers?

Using less memory sometimes increases performance, but here it is not significant.

if so, why did you use shorts instead of bytes?

Because I need 9 bits per entry to keep track of all the combinations
of possibilities.

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