On 09/10/2012 01:47 AM, timotheecour wrote:
This works:
import std.stdio;
void main(){

This doesn't compile:
import std.stdio;
void main(){
=>Error: undefined identifier std

So it seems for conv, import std.conv is not needed, but for writeln,
import std.stdio is needed. Why?

I assume because std.stdio imports std.conv, but not vice versa.

Also, I always get link errors when using those "implicit imports" for
my own modules and using "rdmd". Is there a way to allow this without
link errors in the following (using rdmd) ?
void main(){
which would behave as:
import mypackage.mymodule;
void main(){

This is a quirk of DMD, not a language feature.
You can file the implicit import behaviour as a bug.

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