On Sunday, 21 October 2012 at 07:34:29 UTC, Zhenya wrote:
On Sunday, 21 October 2012 at 03:37:20 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:
On Saturday, 20 October 2012 at 20:25:09 UTC, Zhenya wrote:
Hi!I have a little problem with building example.I downloaded SFML-D working example at this adress https://github.com/krzat/SFML-D/downloads.But then I tried to build it myself,I received many errors like that: Symbol Undefined _D2sf8graphics7Texture6__ctorMFPxaPS2sf8graphics7IntRectZC2sf8graphics7Texture

I don't understand why compiler isn't satisfied,becouse I include all .lib files,that is in example.Can anybody help my?

dmd_build.bat works for me. Are you using it?

No,but I created VisualD solution,and configured its import path and lib path.
Oh,I'm sorry I made some mistakes.
Thank you for your answer)

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