On Monday, 26 November 2012 at 15:44:42 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
Hello all,

I'm writing some code which is meant to represent a network of linked nodes.

Ok, another follow up. I can reproduce your segfault using your posted code, it is included below. But the interesting thing is, I was doing the "testing" out of your Network!Node2 in a unittest section. By whittling down, the smallest crash case I could come up with is this:

import std.typecons;
import std.stdio;
alias RefCounted!(int) Foo;
unittest {
  Foo[int] map;
  map[1] = Foo();

When I change that unittest block to a 'void main()' it works just fine. I tried the same change of unittest to 'void main()' on your code and found the same results - no crash. I think the crash issue might not be with map (even though Maxim found some troubling stuff with uninitialized structs being destructed when inserting a key that is not present). Or maybe it is just a map problem and by switching to main I am just getting lucky in not getting a crash.

It would be interesting to know if Joseph was doing his "testing" out in unittest or in a main.


Here is the code that crashes. Change unittest to 'void main()' and it works??

import std.container;
import std.stdio;

struct Link {
  int id;
  this(int i) { id=i; }

struct Node1
  uint id;
  Link[] links;

  this(uint id)
    this.id = id;

  void addLink(uint l)
    links ~= Link(l);

struct Node2
  uint id;
  Array!(Link) links;

  this(uint id)
    this.id = id;

  void addLink(uint l)
struct Network(Node)
  Node[uint] nodes;

  void add(uint i, uint j)
    if((i in nodes) is null)
      nodes[i] = Node(i);
    if((j in nodes) is null)
      nodes[j] = Node(j);


  void print()
    foreach(k; nodes.keys)
        write("[", k, "]");
        foreach(l; nodes[k].links)
          write(" ", l.id);

unittest {
  Network!Node2 net2;
  net2.add(1, 7);

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