On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 10:02:04 -0000, Regan Heath <re...@netmail.co.nz> wrote:

I'm more than happy to upload the database file here,but I can't find how to.May I have your mail address?Appreciated for all the help!

My email address in the from is valid: regan at netmail dot co dot nz

Ok, solved the issue I think.

1. I can connect to your database file with a connection string like..

odbc.connect(r"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Dbq=<PATHGOESHERE>\db1.mdb;");

Just replace <PATHGOESHERE> with the real path to the file, using single \ characters for path separators.

2. In fetchAll, I have made the following changes:

       char sz_buf[256];
->     wchar[] pszBuf;
       SQLINTEGER buflen;
       string[] rowData;
->     uint uintVal;


       for(int i=1;i<=col;i++)
SQLColAttribute(hStmt, cast(ushort)i, SQL_DESC_NAME, sz_buf.ptr, 256, &buf_len, cast(void*)0); SQLColAttribute(hStmt, cast(ushort)i, SQL_DESC_TYPE, cast(void*)0, 0, cast(short*)0, &colType); SQLColAttribute(hStmt, cast(ushort)i, SQL_DESC_LENGTH, null, 0, cast(short*)0, &colLen);

->         switch(colType)
->         {
->         case SQL_INTEGER:
-> SQLGetData(hStmt, cast(ushort)i, SQL_C_ULONG, &uintVal, uintVal.sizeof, cast(int*)&buflen);
->             rowData ~= to!string(uintVal);
->             break;
->         case SQL_VARCHAR:
->             pszBuf = new wchar[colLen];
-> SQLGetData(hStmt, cast(ushort)i, SQL_C_WCHAR, pszBuf.ptr, pszBuf.length, cast(int*)&buflen);
->             pszBuf.length = buflen;
->             rowData ~= toUTF8(pszBuf);
->             break;
->         default:
->             break;
->         }

The key here is that when we ask for the VARCHAR data, we ask for it as WCHAR (meaning UTF-16 or more likely UCS-2 a subset of UTF-16). We then have to convert it to UTF-8 using std.utf.toUTF8()

Your original code was asking for it as SQL_C_CHAR, and the odbc layer knows it cannot represent the Chinese characters in ASCII, so it was returning a '?' for each of them.

Now I can see (in Visual-D debugger) the Chinese characters in the rowData, but I can't get it to display correctly on my windows console.. can someone remind me how to do that?


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