On Tuesday, 12 February 2013 at 00:09:40 UTC, FG wrote:
On 2013-02-11 22:37, monarch_dodra wrote:
Basically, I can't help but feel the thing has an hopelessly thread-global "mailbox" approach to the problem. This is all fine and dandy if there is only a single "canal" of communication between the master and the child/children.

What thread-global? Every mbox is in thread-local storage.

Yes, but there is only one global mailbox per thread. If I have more than one class instance inside a thread trying to communicate with other threads, they have to share the box.

But what happens if you have 2 objects at once that want to communicate with their children? They have to share the global mailbox, making things very complex.

Caller locks the callee mailbox for a moment to put a message. Doesn't lock any other thread, so you can have N/2 threads writing to other N/2 at the same time.

I think there is a misunderstanding about what I meant by "global mailbox".

In my program, I have simple objects: "Manager"s, that spawn a child thread to do work. This works fine if I have a single Manager, but how do I manage having
2 Managers at once?

It's generally a very bad idea to have more than 1 manager over one's head. :)

What should a manager do if it calls "receive", and notices the message wasn't
meant for him?

Don't know. Kill the messenger perhaps? :)

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