15-Feb-2013 13:51, Colin Grogan пишет:

This is where my problem occurs. To illustrate:
         |- utils
              |- Logger.d
              |- Properties.d
              |- SSHTool.d
         |- engine

I want to put Logger.d, Properties.d and SSHTool.d into the module
'utils'. However, D's module system wont allow that, keeps throwing back
errors to me saying 'utils' is conflicting (or something similar, cant
remember the exact error).
So, I've done a bit of reading, and found out that I should put all
those classes into once source file, and put that file in the module

Now, thats all fine and dandy, but I expect by the end of this
experiment I will have quite a lot of utility classes and I really dont
want them all in one source file. It becomes unwieldy imo.

Does anyone here have any alternatives for me so that in my 'engine' or
'main' classes I can simply write:

     import utils;

Another way is to create utils/_.d file that contains:

public import utils.Logger;
public import utils.Properties;
public import utils.SSHTool;

and import it like this:
import utils._;

The other popular name for this module is 'all'.

and still have my source files neatly laid out in manageable chunks?

Yeah, community at large wants a cleaner way to do this. It just wasn't sorted out yet:

Thanks in advance...

Dmitry Olshansky

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