
Yes, the bitbucket repo is up to date (or was, a month ago. I've been a bit busy..).

It looks like you want to embed python into D, in which case the situation is better than the main page suggests. Pyd supports

* CPython - 2.4 through 3.2
* dmd 2.060+
* ldc {whatever is based on dmdfe 2.060+}

on linux.

Somehow I still haven't gotten around to building gdc yet, but supporting gdc for embedding python would just be a matter of updating the CeleriD configurations and ensuring everything links. Might as well do that tonight. Stay tuned.

Pyd is pretty reliable. I try to avoid making changes to the API, but there were a few when I implemented python3 support. There will probably be a few more when I tackle PyPy.

On 04/03/2013 05:27 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
Hello all,

Can anyone advise on where things stand with PyD, in terms of Python version(s)
supported, D version(s) supported, general up-to-dateness and stability?

The writeups on the Dsource page <http://pyd.dsource.org/> look like they
haven't been maintained in a long time, so I presume the Bitbucket repo is now
the current up-to-date location?

According to that page it's supported on Linux with Python 2.7 and LDC, with GDC
status unknown.  Are the support issues here down to backend, or is it the
frontend version that matters?  Is it possible to link against PyD built with
LDC with D code built with GDC?

Also, given that the API is being updated, how reliable/stable are PyD/CeleriD
right now?

Finally, any advice on uninstallation/installing new versions when the source is
updated?  Python novice here. :-)

For those who are curious, my particular interest is in using this library in
conjunction with D: http://networkx.github.com/  Don't suppose anyone has
already tried this and has experience to share?

Thanks & best wishes,

     -- Joe

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