On Tuesday, 23 April 2013 at 21:21:28 UTC, Jack Applegame wrote:

If not, how to make it safe? I'm trying call thread_attachThis() at the beginning of CtrlHandler fucntion, but it doesn't compile because thread_attachThis() is not nothrow.

what stops you from calling normal functions in nothrow one? use try-catch inside nothrow. nothrow means that function doesn't throw, not it can call only nothrow.

also if another func is C language func, you may try to add nothrow to it's signature since it's anyway can't throw anything.


void doWithThrow()
int x = 1;

nothrow void doStuff()
try {
catch ( Exception e )
// your handling code here...

void main()

i hope i don't learn people to do bad or stupid things :(

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