On Tuesday, 30 April 2013 at 17:03:07 UTC, Carlos wrote:
I;m trying to add a Entry but I get the following error:

"mywindow.d(12): Error: undefined identifier Entry"

Here is my code :

"window.add(new Entry("Minsit"));"

I'm just guessing to see if everything is that simple. So I have to define the Entry. How do I do that ? ( Any tutorials from the web are welcome )


This is the code I compiled with GTKD :
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Label;
import gtk.Main;

void main (string[] args)
auto window = new MainWindow("My Window");
window.setDefaultSize(200, 100);
window.add(new Label("Hello!"));

So basicly what I'm missing is a good way on learning to use this GTKD but for the moment I only want to define a Entry.
THank you for your time.

A wild guess: import gtk.Entry;

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