On 7/17/13 4:33 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2013-07-17 05:27, JS wrote:
With heavy ctfe code generation usage is it possible to have the d
compiler output the source code after all mixin templates have been
"used"? This way it is easier to visually check for errors in the
generated code.

I imagine one could use pragma in a "special way" to do this but I was
hoping for something more direct.

The Eclipse plugin Descent had a nice compile time view. In general it
showed how the compiler lowers some features to other lower level
features. I.e. "scope" is lowered to try-catch-finally. It also showed
the result of string and template mixins. It was really nice to have.
Too bad the plugin was abandoned. It never got any real support for D2.

Since Descent used a port of the D compiler to Java, I think the same can be done by tweaking dmd. You have the generated AST after semantic analysis and you can easily output that. But of course you need to be able to convert the AST to string with correct indentation.

In general, I think a compiler should *really* care about setting line and column numbers to AST nodes and assisting the user as much as possible, like providing a way to output the final representation of the program as a String.

For example compiling this program with D:

string foo() {
  return "void bar() {\n  return 1 + 2\n}";

void main() {

gives this error:

foo.d(7): Error: expression expected, not ')'
foo.d(8): Error: found '}' when expecting ';' following statement
foo.d(8): Error: found 'EOF' when expecting '}' following compound statement
foo.d(7): Error: + has no effect in expression (1 + 2 + 0)

Can you see where is the error?

I'll show here some ideas which D can use, which we have implemented in Crystal.

1. Show errors in expanded macros:

Compiling this (similar to D's string mixins):

macro define_method(x)
  def #{x}(x, y)
      x + y + )

define_method "hello"

Gives this error:

Error in foo.cr:9: macro didn't expand to a valid program, it expanded to:

  2.   def hello(x, y)
  3.       x + y + )
  4.   end
Syntax error in expanded macro:3: unexpected token: )

      x + y + )

define_method "hello"

2. The above should also work with semantic errors:

macro define_method(x)
  def #{x}(x, y)
    x + y

define_method "hello"

hello(1, 'a')

gives this error:

Error in /Users/asterite-manas/Projects/crystal/foo.cr:11: instantiating 'hello(Int32, Char)'

hello(1, 'a')

in macro 'define_method' /Users/asterite-manas/Projects/crystal/foo.cr:1, line 3:

  2.   def hello(x, y)
  3.     x + y
  4.   end

    x + y

no overload matches 'Int32#+'
Overloads are:
 - Int32#+(other : UInt8)
 - Int32#+(other : UInt16)
 - Int32#+(other : UInt32)
 - Int32#+(other : UInt64)
 - Int32#+(other : Int8)
 - Int32#+(other : Int16)
 - Int32#+(other : Int32)
 - Int32#+(other : Int64)
 - Int32#+(other : Float32)
 - Int32#+(other : Float64)
Couldn't find overloads for these types:
 - Int32#+(other : Char)


If you don't provide clear errors for metaprogramming, even though it can be very powerful, if you don't understand the errors you go slower and slower and maybe eventually you decide not to use those features.

For macros (string mixins), associate the AST nodes to virtual files whose source code is the expanded source code. Keep track of line *and* column numbers (lines alone are not enough when you have long lines).

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